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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Don’t wait for the worst to happen, prevent key loss/theft today with an affordable, easy to u...

Next Please! (IR) 2 Digit Single Display Infrared Wireless Take a Number Packaged System

Model: TAS/51201-IR

Next Please! (IR) Infrared Iine of sight Wireless displays are the world's most reliable and affordable Queuing Systems, Our take a number displays are built with Solid Metal construction for many years of dependable worry free usage

Next Please! (IR) Infrared Line of Sight Wireless Take a Number Systems Built in North America!

Next Please 2 Digit Single Display Complete Wireless Packaged System

Package Includes:

1 2 Digit 5" LED Indicator
1  Ticket Dispenser
1 12VAC Transformer
1 Take A Number Sign
1  Counter Stand
1  Pre-Installed (IR) Receiver
1  (IR) Infrared Remote Control
1  Roll of Tickets (3000/Roll)

*Extra Remote Controls Are Available

Time Access Systems is your source for high quality Take A Number queuing systems and supplies in North America.

Take A Number Systems eliminate fears of not being served in turn. Successfully in use by retailers, governments, hospitals, airlines, banks and wherever else people wait for service. Take A Number Systems are the positive and confident way to serve people. Take A Number systems mean faster service to customers, resulting in reduced costs and higher profits

Our Take A Number Systems consists of three parts: the rolls of tickets, the ticket dispenser and the electronic digitized indicator operated by a remote control. The Take A Number system does away with plastic number cards that hang on hooks and constantly require time to replace missing numbers Systems available with standard or wireless remote operation.

Optional Accessories

For More Info and Pricing Please Contact Us

